The sweet memories
       Soothe my soul.
The deep red roses, champagne
       And perfumes,
The lyrics and musical melodies
Of the Spanish guitar you played,
Your romantic touch
That lured me into another world.
A world filled with love,
A place where I'll never be.
My heart is aching
With a lot of emptiness.
I no longer feel the butterflies
In my stomach.
My soul longs to feel
Your gentle touch again
To embrace and never let go.
To hear the sound
Of your voice one more time,
To partake of your breath again.
O how I wish this
       Was just a mere dream
Or a nightmare that I will not remember
       In the morning,
        But it is reality
         That you, my love
          Will not come back.
           Forever I will be
            Tormented by my intense
             Love for you.