A notion of confusion so strong
A perception that I somehow dont belong
In a world where people hand off their pain
Because it was something that they couldnt bear to obtain
But if you couldnt hold this pain what makes you think that I
Should even grasp the strength to try
Don't you rember the words in the text
Im unnatural and unworthy and so waz MALCOLM -X
A trouble maker
A risk taker
One of the few who actually lives her life
One that couldnt find words to rhyme
One that smokes from time to time
The one's beauty and pride you called attrocious
the one's who's attitude you made "a word called ferocious"
The little gurl who didint belong
In the U.S of A because her looks were all Wrong
The one who had the look of an African Queen
Before she even hit 14
The one Unwelcome in your world