Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Emotional Drunk

We've shared many thrills at one time
Even though we had some hills to climb
Love so sweet, ripe, and sublime
Similar to grapes picked fresh off the vine
Together we made the tastiest wine
A flavor so rare I have yet to find
Anything like it I miss it a lot
Nobody has the juice you got
A concoction, a mixture, a cocktail of pleasure
You had me drunk and light as a feather
Now it's probably better than I remembered
Please give me another shot bartender
I'll gladly surrender to it all
Every single drop of your alcohol
I don't give a fuck about the percent of your content
Your liquid courage screwing with my judgement
Memories of you left me hungover
Intoxicated without any closure
Causing me to blackout then pass out
I forgot what the hell we had fought about

Written by L. Johnson


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge