Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

A Slaves Prayer

Through my degregations
And my tribulations
My lynchings and my weariness
Let my soul be free
Lead me toward the norther light
Protect me from Mastas spite
Create in me a temple of glee
I shall be set free
Towards the light beaten and torn
I will still crawl
For this is no free for all
Dear Lord let my soul be free
With freedom I shall be a better man
Will you grab this outreached hand
So I can protect my fellow woman
And raise my offspring free
No mo disrespect
No mo lynchings
No mo hard work and muscle flinches
I breath just to be free
Pass me a sign
Nothing of complicated design
I will do all it takes for me and my people to be

Written by Jay Horne


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge