Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Night Comes Walking

Night comes walking out our way
In a velvet gown.
Soft she steps to music gay,
As only lovely ladies may,
While hidden cricket pipers play
In Ardwick Towne!

And in her hair, wind-tossed and free,
A million stars are tucked away-
The glint of silver carelessly
Encrusting polished ebony-
A true coquette and bold is she,
This lady gay!

The gleam of laughter in her eyes
While low she bends o'er growing things,
Is caught by roguish fireflies
Who flit about her, fall and rise,
Like stars gone crazy in the skies,
On magic wings!

Night treads softly out our way
In her sable gown,
Holds her breath while babies pray,
Chuckles, seeing Love at play;
Then with Dawn she slips away,
In Ardwick Towne!

Written by Esther Popel (1896-1958)


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge