Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Will I Ever Love Again

As I gaze at the paper about to unleash Anger, Frustration, Heartbreak and pain with my pen,
I ask myself the question "Will I ever love again?"
Uncertainty is the tantalizing appetite of my brain,
And the painful memories are the morsels of food that feed the hunger,
All the while I wonder.."Will I ever love again?"
Hmmm let's see, as a child I learned to count,
Two plus one does not equal one,
It equals three, three words that equal me,
Love, Appreciation, Respect,
Something that I did not receive but she would always expect and get,
Because I always gave my all,
My love standing there solid and tall like a dam sustaining my river of tears and emotions,
And with each passing year of bullshit, lies, manipulation, drama and commotion,
The foundation of my love that stands tall is now cracking,
Then OH SHIT!......the levees have broken,
And the river of unhappiness washes away all hope,
No mother nature is not to blame for the disaster of us,
But father time needs to get up off of his ass, do what's just,
and help me with the nagging question,
"Will I ever love again?"
I don't know, maybe the answer starts with the words from the pen.

Written by Robert Wilson-Cruse


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge