Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

The Lion

Lion, Lion,
in your eye
memories of your kingdom lie
your power mighty
untamed desire
could set ablaze a raging fire

Lion, Lion,
in your thought
the dreadful day when you were caught
when open plains were your domain
your kingdom now lies in a cage.

Lion, Lion,
with stolen strut
a distant memory the thrill of hunt
a concrete slab is now your bed.
you hunt no longer
and wait to be fed.

Lion, Lion,
Lying still
your raging fire starts to dim
with breathing shallow and pride ensared
his peircing gaze now glassy stare

Lion, Lion,
fire gone
how dare they steal a Lion's throne
please, King Lion
Remember back
once King of Beasts
now docile cat

Lion, Lion,
there you sleep
your roar is mute
your prescence meek
an icy tear rolled off my cheek
the day a Lion
became a sheep

Written by L. E. Colston II


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge