Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

All Hail! Ye Colored Graduates

Tune - "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name."

All hail, ye colored graduates
   From college and from school;
May high ideals each life inspire
   And service be its rule!

Let ev'ry citizen and friend
   In our loved country wide,
Join in our hearty song of praise
   And share our righteous pride.

We bid you go as champions brave
   To fight for God and right;
And bring to those who are oppressed
   Great Freedom's glorious light.

You'll find the fields for harvest ripe,
   But laborers very few;
Then forth with willing hearts and strong
   The evil to subdue.

Discouragements will oft confront
   And seek to vanquish you;
But know that naught on earth can thwart
   The man who WILLS to do.

Then forward, onward, upward go!
   And as you boldly press
Your way to life's exalted heights
   The Lord of Hosts will bless.

Written by Carrie Williams Clifford (1862-1934)


Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge